Brussels Airport Recount After Deadly Attacks

Terrifying chaos took place at the Brussels airport as passengers abandoned their luggage and fled after two explosions rocked a departure hall. Taa Wongbe was in Terminal B and rushing to catch his flight to Liberia when the explosions took place.

“I’d just passed the security where we saw where the bombing took place,” Wongbe told ABC News. “And we were being rushed and pushed away to the exits so we can evacuate.”

“I didn’t hear the bomb go off but what I did see was at the entrance there was a shattered window,” Wongbe added. “There was some damages to the front and police officers and other officers with guns, just making sure that everyone is okay and pushing people to the exit.”

Wongbe said the damage was extensive.

“I typically fly through this airport so I know where the security checkpoint should typically be but this time around it was not there. It was somewhere else. We thought it was construction but it was pretty badly damaged,” he said.

There were two explosions in the departure hall at Brussels airport, located in the town of Zaventem, according to Prime Minister Charles Michel. There was also an explosion on the rail tracks at the Maelbeek subway station in downtown Brussels, according to a spokeswoman for Brussels transportation department. At least 15 people were killed in the subway bombing and 11 people were killed at the airport, officials said.

At least one of the attacks was likely the result of a suicide bomber, the Belgian federal prosecutor said. He classified the attacks as the work of terrorists.

Brussels is on its highest terror alert level.

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