Graphic Designer, Peter Majarich Vows to Create New Movie Poster Everyday for 365 Days

We’re all familiar with the mechanics of a favorite movie: You watch one flick over and over again — until your friends start addressing you as the “IMDb page for The Godfather: Part II

Graphic designer, Peter Majarich, has his fair share of favorite movies, as well. But the artist is especially a fan of film posters as evidenced in his latest project, frankly titled, “A Movie Poster A Day.”

Majarich tells Mashable via e-mail that his idea for the undertaking came from other creative and routine-focused projects, such as the tumblr, Geometry Daily, and that motivation can be “more than waiting around for inspiration.”

The designer’s goal to create a picture in honor of a motion picture is a feat not to be missed — he’s vowed to do one everyday for 365 days. Follow his progress and check out more of his work on his Instagram.

No comment yet on whether Majarich will also watch one movie for every day of the year (but we would also support this project).



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