Make Your Home Safe for Holiday Guests

To help prepare your home for holiday visitors, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Remodelers offers home maintenance tips that are designed to increase safety and accessibility for older family and friends who visit this holiday season.

“Welcoming loved ones to your home is a cherished holiday tradition,” said NAHB Remodelers Chair Robert Criner, GMR, GMB, CAPS, a remodeler from Newport News, Va. “By making some simple home modifications, you can ensure that family and friends will enjoy a comfortable visit and be able to maneuver around your house without trouble this year.”

These tips will help eliminate situations that could cause stress for visitors with age-related balance and vision issues, and at the same time create a safer, more comfortable environment for all your guests:

If you are considering larger home renovation projects or want to do more to make your home safe and comfortable for all ages and abilities, consult a professional remodeler. Find a pro in your area at More tips to keep your home safe and stylish are available at

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