Pan-fried London Broil Steak Recipe

Who doesn’t love a well-cooked steak? This pan-fried London Broil Steak recipe will definitely make your mouth water and your tummy rumble! When preparing to cook this, there are a few things to keep in mind.

First, make sure you use a well-seasoned cast-iron frying pan that can take high heat and is relatively stick-free. If you don’t have one, you can use a thick-bottomed frying pan. If you only have a stainless steel pan, heat a little canola or olive oil in the pan before adding the steak.


1 Remove steak from refrigerator 2 hours before cooking to bring to room temperature (only do this with whole cuts of meat, never with ground meat.) Cut away any tough connective tissue on the surface of the steak. Use a meat pounder to even out the thickness of the steak if necessary. Lightly sprinkle with kosher salt on both sides.

2 Heat a large, cast iron skillet to medium high heat. Pat the steaks dry with paper towels. Rub a little dry mustard into both sides of the steak. Sprinkle both sides again with salt, and with a little black pepper. Rub butter over both sides of the steak.

3 Place the steak in the hot pan. Let cook for 2-3 minutes on each side (without moving), check before flipping to make sure it has nicely browned.

4 At this point, if you have a steak only an inch thick or less, you can take the skillet off the heat and just let the steak sit for several minutes in the skillet (tent the steak with aluminum foil). The cast iron pan will retain enough heat to cook the steak to medium rare.

You can use a finger pressure method to test for doneness. You can also test for doneness by using a small sharp knife and cutting into the center to check the color. Or, if the steak is brown on both sides and it is weeping red juice, it’s done.

If you have a steak thicker than an inch-thick, you can finish it off in the oven, at 350°F for 10 to 15 minutes or so.

Use a meat thermometer to test the internal temperature of the steak. Pull it out of the oven at 130°F for medium rare (the steak will continue to rise in temperature for a few minutes after you pull it out).

If you are using the oven method, when done, remove from the oven and let sit for 5 minutes before cutting into it.

You want to cook the steak only to medium rare, as cooking it further will make it more tough.

5 Slice the steak thinly, across the grain.

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