Save Money Every Month With a Couple of Green Living Tips

Another Earth Day is just around the corner. Let’s get a head start on saving the planet with these eco-friendly green living lifestyle tips that’ll also save you moolah every month. 

1. Take Advantage of Natural Light

Keep the lights off in the house as much as possible, even when you go to the bathroom late at night (Use your phone as a flashlight instead) to reduce overall energy costs. As an alternative to the artificial lights in your house, you can also take advantage of natural light from the windows during the day (open your doors and blinds) and sometimes candles or other secondary light sources (like devices) when the sun goes down.

2. Plug Drafts to Reduce Heating or Air Conditioning Costs

If there are drafts coming in from holes and crevices around your house, the climate-controlled air for which you pay is escaping. Resolve this costly problem by plugging drafts yourself (if you’re able to identify the draft location and capable of doing the work) or hiring someone to help you out. Many times, however, the solution to the problem is as simple as putting a towel or blanket in front of doors and wrapping windows and A/C units for the winter.

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