Put away your mason jars and chalkboard paint — alpacas are the hot new wedding trend. And the Hotel Epinard Nasu in Japan provides the animal for ceremonies, so you don’t have to wrangle your own.
那須でいとこの結婚式なう。リングボーイがもふもふでかわいかった pic.twitter.com/OSHJSK99RB
— ほそいあや「ゆる猫生活」発売中 (@hosoi) July 11, 2015
It’s pretty easy for the hotel to make the alpacas available because it is located next to a zoo.
Trainers wrangle the fluffy little guys during their appearance, so unfortunately the chance of another high-speed zoo animal chase through the city is unlikely.
Good luck coming up with alpaca puns for your Instagram hashtag. We suggest #AlpacaAndReadyForTheHoneymoon or #ItSeemedLikeAGoodIdeaAtFirst.
Source: Mashable Watercooler You can get an alpaca at your wedding in Japan